Speaking Events
Gregg has a passion for delivering fun and interactive adult financial education to both small and large groups. He has spent 7,500+ hours teaching over 3,000 students worldwide through his various roles in the financial services industry over the past two decades. The three presentations shown below are his most popular and provide his own unique insight into important topics. Reach out to Gregg at greggi@acceleratedwealth.com to discuss setting up your event.
The New Rules for Retiring in Uncertain Times
We all only get one chance to get retirement right. Learn how to design the retirement of your dreams and avoid the risks that can sabotage your retirement plan.
Money Mind Games
Unfortunately, one of the biggest risks to the success of a financial plan is the investor themselves. Greed and fear can cause emotional decision-making leading to suboptimal results. Learn how to identify these traps and master your financial mind.
Retire in the Zero Percent Tax Bracket
Is it possible to retire and never pay income taxes ever again? Yes, you can retire in the zero percent tax bracket with proper planning and determination. Learn how in this eye-opening presentation.
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